Vacancy for IT Assistant post in NRC

Job Vacancy

Norbuling Rigter College, Paro is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of IT Technician. Interested individual with minimum qualification in Diploma in Computer hardware and networking may apply for the post. Applicants with relevant qualification/training and work experience shall be given preference for the purpose of short listing. Applications along with the following document must be submitted to the Dean of Academic Affairs, Norbuling Rigter College latest by 31st August 2018.

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. Copy of academic transcripts
  3. Security Clearance (NOC)
  4. Copy of Medical Certificate
  5. Copy of CID
  6. Any other supporting documents such as work experience, training etc.

For further details, please contact Dean at /17307075 or Manager ICT at /17424484 or you may email to any of these email address.

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