Till now college undertook the following consultancy assignments and completed successfully:
- Development of Synthesis Report of Country Report for UNFPA, Bhutan.
- Assessment of Virtual Zomdue: Taking Parliament to the People for UNDP, Bhutan.
- Data management for National Human Development Report 2019 for UNDP, Bhutan.
- Study on A Decade of Democracy for UNDP, Bhutan.
- Pilot study on Gender Based Violence for UNDP, Bhutan.
- Assessment of Dzongkha Curriculum (in collaboration with RigZom Consultancy) for Royal Education Council.
- Development of Child Policy for National Commission for Women and Children and UNICEF, Bhutan.
- An inquiry into citizen’s participation and democratic culture at the local level (in collaboration with RigZom Consultancy) for Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy (BCMD).
- Baseline Citizen Satisfaction Survey of public services for Public Services Delivery Division, Royal Government of Bhutan.
- Alignment of Master and Bachelor Academic programmes of Kencho Sum Shedra with the framework of Royal University of Bhutan (in Collaboration with Skills Development Institute, Thimphu).
- NRC is a part of the ERASMUS + HAPPY Project which is ongoing. The project focuses on building capacity of qualitative Research.