Humanities and Social Sciences

Karma Pedey

Karma Pedey

Assistant Professor

Mrs. Karma Pedey taught English at Sherubtse College, Paro College of Education and Royal Institute of Health Sciences. She also worked as a visiting faculty for one year in the University of New England (Armidale, New South Wales, Australia) besides being a Guest speaker for Leadership Programmes for Scouts and Desung for the past years.

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At the time of initiating the Diploma in Leadership and Management for the school principals by Paro College of Education, UNESCO funded programme, Karma was the Project Coordinator.Further, when the Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) was working towards becoming an autonomous entity, she was the Chief Human Resource Officer at the Office of the Vice Chancellor and was instrumental in developing the Human Resource policy.

She resigned from RUB and joined the Institute for Management Studies (Thimphu) where she worked as a Sr. Researcher and Sr. Lecturer. In this capacity Karma conducted many capacity development programmes for mid-level officers on Leadership, Customer Care, Office Management, communication skills, Interpersonal skills and facilitation skills.

She was also in the Project team for the establishment of Norbuling Rigter College.

As a researcher, she has several academic research papers in both International and National journals. She is also the author of the book titled “Ta She Gha Chha: The Broken Saddle and Other Popular Bhutanese Beliefs.” In 2009, her essay “The Cyber Dilemma: Harnessing the goodness of cyberspace for our children” won the First Prize in the National Essay Competition organized by the Ministry of Information and Communication. The essay was published in Kuensel, May 19, 2009 issue.

As a consultant, she developed the Customer Care manual for Bhutan Development Bank, Out of School Youth Life Skills programme handbook for the Department of Youth and Sports (MoE), Early Childhood Care and Development capacity development manual for a four month training programme initiated by the Ministry of Labor and Human Resources, among several other consultancy assignments.

Karma Pedey has a Masters with Research in Early Childhood Development from University of New England (Armidale, New South Wales, Australia), Masters in English from University of Madras (India) and Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the erstwhile National Institute for Education (Samtse, Bhutan). She also participated in seminars and capacity development programmes in Canada, USA, France, Thailand, Nepal, India, Australia, China and Singapore.

With rich and varied experiences, Karma will definitely make a difference to Norbuling Rigter College, particularly in the learning and growth of students.

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Lopen Kinley served in various organizations including monastery, government and private organizations for the last 21 years.

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He taught Dzongkha in a High School for seven years before joining NRC as an Associate Lecturer. He served in Monastic body as an Internal Auditor as well as an Administrative Officer. Kinley also has experience of working in the Dzongkhag Administration as a Surveyor and an Accountant.

Kinlay has a Master Degree in Buddhist Philosophy from Tango Buddhist College.

As a teacher, he took initiatives to coordinate spiritual activities, orient students to Driglam Namzha and conduct programmes to promote the National Language besides teaching. The wide and rich experience that Kinlay has will help the students to grow into responsible individuals.

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Dr. Umesh Chandra Sharma

Dr. Umesh Chandra Sharma


Dr. Umesh joined Dr J.M. College, BR Ambedkar Bihar University as Lecturer of English and later headed the Department from October 1983 to August 1997. After that he taught in the College of Education, Nadira, Ibb University (Yemen) and was the Head of English Department and the Syllabus Reform Committee.

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Professor Umesh also worked in Hawassa University, Ethiopia where he taught at Masters level and developed Language Modules for Graduate programme.
In Bhutan, he taught English at Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan. Besides teaching, he was engaged as a member of the English Syllabus Reform Committee for developing “Language” Modules for Graduate and Master Programmes.

Before joining Norbuling Rigter College Professor Umesh taught at College of Women, Seiyun, Hadramout University in Yemen.

With long years of teaching experience in different countries which are socio-culturally diverse, Professor Umesh will definitely contribute to the education of the students at Norbuling Rigter College.

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Email: [email protected]

Pramananda Dhital

Pramananda Dhital

Lecturer & Exam Convener


Mr. Pramananda Dhital has a Master degree in Economics from Sikkim university. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the same University.

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For the fulfillment of his master degree, he conducted a research on “Socio- economic conditions of street vendors in Gangtok, Sikkim."

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Email: [email protected]

Kuenzang Dorji

Kuenzang Dorji

Lecturer, Convener of Rigter Conference & Programme Leader for BA in Political Science & Sociologyr


Mr. Kuenzang Dorji is associate lecturer currently serving as the Programme Leader of BA in Political Science and Sociology at Norbuling Rigter College. Mr. Dorji played a key role in the establishment of the BA in Political Science and Sociology in 2019, serving as one of the founding teaching faculty of the Programme. His dedication and expertise were instrumental in the successful launch of the programme, which welcomed an inaugural cohort of 42 students.

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In addition to his role as a Programme Leader, Mr. Dorji serves as a member of the College Research Committee where he actively contributes to the development and implementation of research initiatives within the institution. Additionally, he holds the position of Focal Person for the Erasmus HAPPY Project, further showcasing his dedication to fostering international collaboration and promoting exchange of knowledge and ideas. Currently, he is serving as Convener of the Annual Rigter Conference.

He served as a Staff Advisor to the Forum of Students Voice, a prominent student decision making forum of NRC. This experience has provided him with valuable insights into the needs and aspirations of students, enabling him to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Mr. Dorji's commitment to academic excellence is exemplified by his pursuit of advanced training in qualitative research from Netherland and Slovenia. With an advanced training in research and a passion for qualitative research methodologies, he has advanced in narrative and ethnographic studies. He has also undergone the training in post graduate certificate. With his experience, commitment to research, and dedication to student development, Mr. Kuenzang Dorji is an asset to our academic community.

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Email: [email protected]

Priyanka Paul

Priyanka Paul


Ms Priyanka Paul completed her Bachelor of Arts in English (Honours) from Patna Women’s College, India and Master’s degree in English from The English and Foreign Languages University, India. She is a TESOL (Teaching of English to Students of Other Languages) certified English teacher with certification from American TESOL Institute, Thailand.

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She is currently pursuing Masters of Philosophy in English Studies (M.Phil.) on ‘Dialectics of Care: An Ecofeminist Analysis of Arundhati Roy’s Select Non-fiction’ from Christ (deemed to be university), India. She has presented her research papers in a number of national and international seminars in India.

Before joining NRC Ms Paul worked as an Assistant Editor—ELT with Encyclopaedia Britannica India Pvt. Ltd (Indiannica Learning Pvt. Ltd.), India. She has worked with Indian Institute of Mass Communication, India as a Research Associate on the project, ‘Capacity Building in Communicating Science and Biosafety’. Ms Paul, in addition, has the experience of working as a travel writer (trainee) with Srishti Publications Pvt. Ltd., India. She has also worked as an English Teacher and Conversation Partner with Lha Charitable Trust, India.

Ms Paul’s believes in utilizing her varied work experience across governmental, non-governmental, corporate, and private sectors in shaping her teaching abilities as per the students’ needs. Her objective is to motivate her students to develop their own learning interests and critical thinking so as to establish a learner-centered environment in the classroom.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Pema Tshering

Pema Tshering

Senior Lecturer & Programme Leader for BA in Dzongkha and English


Mr. Pema Tshering has a Master Degree from Tango Buddhist College.

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He started his teaching profession as a high school teacher from 2007 to 2015. From 2016 to 2019, worked as a lecturer in Gedu Business College (GBS). Lopen Pema carries a research paper in his name and has a keen interest in bringing research to enrich his teaching and contribute to the research culture at NRC.   Currently, he is earnestly working on his new research titled:  “Source and Origin of Dzongkha Language.”

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Yeshi Samdrup

Yeshi Samdrup

Lecturer & Programme Leader for BA in Development Studies

Mr. Yeshi Samdrup has a Masters Degree in Development Practice from the College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan. He completed his Bachelors Degree in Political Science and Sociology from Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan.

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As a part of the Master’s programme, he conducted research on two topics on ‘Relationship of Tsamdro Management Activities as a Source of Livelihood to the Herders’ and ‘Impact of Post-Harvest Training on Farmers in Lhuntse, Mongar, Trashigang and Trashiyangtse Dzongkhags’.

His research experiences would definitely serve to give a sharp edge to his teaching and learning experience.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Passang Lhamo

Passang Lhamo


Ms. Passang Lhamo has completed her Bachelors in Political Science and Sociology from Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan. She has her Masters Degree in Sociology from the South Asian University (SAARC University) New Delhi, India.

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Passang pursued her Masters research on a very interesting topic “Modernity and the Patrons of Drayang.” Thus, her academics, complimented with her research experience would have a far-reaching impact on teaching and learning experience with her students.

Currently Passang serves in the capacity of Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Political Science and Sociology at Norbuling Rigter College.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Dago Palden

Dago Palden

Senior Lecturer & Programme Leader for BA in English


Ms. Dago Palden has a B.Ed from Paro College of Education. She acquired M.A in Communicative English from the Institute of International studies, Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand.

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Ms. Dago Palden carries 10 years of teaching experience having worked as a teacher and another 4 years as a lecturer at Royal Thimphu College. While in Thailand, she also taught communication skills to the JICA volunteers to Bhutan at Thammasat University, Bangkok.During her Masters course, Dago successfully published two papers titled: a) How teacher Misbehaviour Affect Teacher Credibility and b) Tourism in Bhutan: An analysis of the ‘High Impact, Low volume’ Policy. Her interest lies in teaching of English language and literature, information and communication, reading and outdoor activities. She joined the NRC family as a Senior Lecturer after completing her Desuup training.

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Email: [email protected]

Priyashree Rai

Priyashree Rai


Ms. Priyashree Rai has a MA in English Literature from Vidhyasagar University. She completed her BA. in English (honours) from Calcutta University.

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Prior to joining NRC, she taught English at Karma Academy for four years where she received many accolades. Her teaching experience and belief in lifelong learning will help her students to progress and excel.

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Email: [email protected]

Namgay Wangchuk

Namgay Wangchuk


Mr. Namgay Wangchuk has MA in Economics from South Asian University, New Delhi. He completed his BA in Economics and Geography from the Sherubtse College.

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As a part of his Master’s Programme, Namgay carried out research on Overview on Growth and Development of Bhutanese Economy. Thus, the combination of his research experience and academic credential complimented by his commitment and willingness to learn fosters his credibility to enrich academic and personal development and growth of his students.

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Email: [email protected]

Jigme Nidup

Jigme Nidup

Associate Dean & Assistant Professor

Mr. Jigme Nidup completed his under graduate programme from Sherubtse College which was then affiliated to Delhi University. He received his M.Sc. in Environmental Studies from the University of Newcastle, Australia.

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  Before taking up the position of Assistant Professor in NRC, he worked at the National Environment Commission Secretariat, Punatsangchhu-II Hydroelectric Project Authority and as an Adjunct Lecturer at the College of Natural Resources. He served as resource person and panel member for Viva-voca for the Royal Civil Service Commission Examination. He was also an External Examiner for B.Sc. Environment Science Programme at Sherubtse College and Resource Person for teachers undertaking continuing education at Samtse College of Education.Prior to that, Mr. Jigme Nidup taught in the Department of Geography and Planning at Sherubste College for more than seven years. During this tenure he served as the Head of the Department, taught various modules and also published several research papers. Jigme participated in numerous workshops and educational courses, both in-country and ex-country, relevant to the tertiary education. He has professional skills and knowledge to manage the key areas of an organization and that are also vital both in personal and professional life. Having received extensive experience in leadership and management, he is sought out for his expertise

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Email: [email protected]

Dorji Choda

Dorji Choda

Associate Lecturer

Mr. Dorji Choda completed his MA in Sociology from South Asian University, New Delhi. He has his BA in Political Science and Sociology from Sherubtse College.

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As a part of his Master’s Programme, Dorji carried out research project on “Quality of Life and Wellbeing of Elderly people in Urban Area of Bhutan”.

At NRC, he is a Member of the Examination Unit and Staff Advisor to Waste Management Club.

Combination of his research experience and academic credential complimented by his commitment and willingness to learn fosters his credibility to enrich academic and personal development and growth of students.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Kinga Wangdi

Kinga Wangdi

Senior Lecturer

Mr. Kinga Wangdi has Master’s degree in English from PSG College of Arts and Science, Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu, South India. He completed BA (Hons) English from Sherubtse College, Kanglung and Post Graduate Certificate in Education from NIE, Samtse.

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Prior to joining NRC, he taught in several schools and facilitated a number of Professional Development workshops for school teachers. He also served as a facilitator when Educating for Gross National Happiness programme was launched in the schools in Bhutan.

Kinga contributed to the development of English Curriculum for schools as a member of the Writers Workshop. Kinga also served as Test Developer, Chief Marker and Supervising Examiner for BCSEA.

With his vast of teaching experience, Kinga Wangdi has the aptitude to contribute to the personal and academic enrichment and growth of his students.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Chhimi Wangmo

Chhimi Wangmo

Senior Lecturer

Mrs. Chhimi Wangmo has a Master degree in Curriculum and Instruction from University of New Brunswick, Canada. She completed her B. Ed from Samtse College of Education.

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She worked as a programme developer in the Department of Curriculum and Professional Development, MoE. She also taught at Sheruntse College, Kanglung as an adjunct faculty.

Mrs. Chhimi Wangmo has two publications: A Resource Book for Training of Trainers of Primary School Principals on Place Based Education Approach and Bringing Curriculum into Place: Place Based Education in Practice, A Teacher Guidebook on the Implementation of Place Based Education Approach in Bhutan.

Mrs. Chhimi Wangmo also carries with her the experiences of a school teacher and the school principal. Combination of her leadership and academic experiences will deeply contribute to the academic and personal development of the students.

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Email: [email protected]

Kinga Dakpa

Kinga Dakpa



Mr. Kinga Dakpa spent 32 years in the Government service. Most of his career life in the government service was attached with the education sector in various positions and capacities. Though a trained teacher in the initial period of his career, almost 95% of his career life was dedicated to education policy, management and administration. He taught English, Economics and Values Education to the senior students of Higher Secondary schools for a couple of years and assumed managerial and administration positions for the rest of his career. In the 32nd year of his career, he departed from the education sector and joined the National Council of Bhutan as the Secretary General after His Majesty The King granted him Sword and Scarf in the Throne Room of Trashichhodzong.

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After completing his B.Ed programme at the National Institute of Education in Samtse, he was placed at Zhemgang High School in July 1990. With a year and half of teaching there, he was promoted as the Assistant Principal soon after which he was given the opportunity to pursue Master’s Degree in education at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada in 1993 and completed it towards the end of 1994. No sooner had he joined Zhemgang HSS than he was transferred as the Vice Principal of Drugyel High School in 1995 where he also taught English to XI and XII students. At the end of 1998, he was sent to Damphu High School on promotion transfer as the Principal there. He was the one to revive Damphu Junior School which was closed down due to 1990 uprising in the south to a new Higher Secondary School. Damphu High School soon became one of the most performing schools in those days. He was then transferred to Dagana Dzongkhag as the District Education Officer (DEO) in 2002. As the DEO, he established eight new schools on top of the eight schools which were already existing and he was also instrumental in implementing the devolvement of power to the people by His Majesty the Great Fourth – by serving as the Dzongkhag Chief Election Officer during the Gup election using ballot boxes. Following Dasho Pema Thinley’s policy of DEO and principal posts being inter-changeable that time, he was posted to Samtse HSS as the principal there in 2006. He established the new high school which was just bifurcated from the then existing Lower Secondary School. The school soon became one of the most popular and successful schools at that time.

In the beginning of 2010, he was hand-picked as the Chief Curriculum Officer to head the then Curriculum and Professional Support Services Division (CAPSSD) under the Ministry of Education. At the CAPSSD, he was charged with the responsibility to upgrade it to a department called Department of Curriculum Research and Development (DCRD). Soon after that he was transferred to Bhutan Council for School Examinations and Assessment (BCSEA) as the Chief Research Officer. Through a selection interview, he was promoted to the post of Secretary of Examinations at BCSEA in 2013. At BCSEA, he brought about several streamlining and reforms in assessment and examination in the school education system of Bhutan. Towards the end of 2016, he was transferred as the Director of the Royal Education Council in Paro which was just beginning to get established. As the new Director, he not only established the agency but he also brought about many major curriculum reforms in four years despite the huge COVID-19 disruptions in the education system worldwide. The response to COVID-19 in terms of curriculum development and instruction was phenomenal. In 2020, he was promoted as the Director General and towards the end of 2021, he was promoted and sent to National Council of Bhutan as the Secretary General. March 2022, after having served six months at the National Council, he voluntarily resigned from service under the Special Retirement Scheme where he was paid salary for 24 months after retirement.

Besides the regular employment experience as shown above, he also served as Board Member for Programme Quality Control Board (PQC), RUB; Higher Education Accreditation Board, MoE; Tertiary Education Board, MoE; and Curriculum Board, MoE, among others.

He also served as the External Examiner (SCE and PCE); Programme Reviewer (SCE) and held other additional posts such as General Secretary for Dzongkhag Sports Association and Chief Election Officer, Dagana, and the like. He received several awards including the Civil Service Award (Gold and Silver Medals).

He attended many in-country seminars and short-term trainings that included Bhutan Executive Service Training (BEST-3) conducted by RIGSS and RCSC, Executive Forum conducted by RCSC, and Management Training conducted by RIM. He also attended various international level seminars/ short-term training in Canada, Malaysia, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, and so forth.

His publication and editorial work included some research papers, school curriculum materials including school textbooks (2016-2021), moderation of high-stakes examination papers (BHSEC and BCSE – 2012-2015), among many others.

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Email: [email protected]

Karma Tshewang

Karma Tshewang



Mr. Karma Tshewang completed his Masters degree in Buddhist Philosophy from Gangteng University of Buddhist Studies. He started his teaching profession as a high school teacher from 2009 to 2013. He also taught at Royal Thimphu College from 2014 to 2022 as a Senior lecturer.

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During his tenure as school teacher and Sr. Lecturer, he shouldered various responsibilities as coordinator and members of different platforms that enriched student engagement and learning. With his many years of teaching experience, the learning of students will be enriched.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Puran Gurung

Puran Gurung



Mr. Puran Gurung has a Masters degree in Sociology from South Asian University, New Delhi, India. He completed Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Sociology from Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan. He is also recognized as a certified peer educator in the country. He was awarded with a ‘Letter of Appreciation’ from Y-PEER Asia Pacific Center (Bangkok) for advocating and working on ‘Peer education’ especially in the context of health (STDs) and Sensitize youths about Sexual Reproductive and Health Rights (SRHR) through various platforms and also on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on 21st May, 2021. Puran is also recipient of the most prestigious award The President Gold Medal for Social Service’ for contribution, dedication, and service to college, community and beyond during his stay at Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan.

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He conducted his Masters research on “Understanding the Practice of Menstrual Taboos Amongst People in Southern Bhutan”. The research focused on the practice and existence of menstruation taboos that are widespread in both Buddhist and Hindu cultures in the Southern part of Bhutan. His research interests are in the field of gender studies, sexual and reproductive health, community development and environmental issues. With his research experience, Puran Gurung will be definitely enrich the learning of his students.

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Email: [email protected]

Tshering Yangden

Tshering Yangden



Ms. Tshering Yangden completed her Master of Development practice from the College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan with proficiency award for academic excellence.  She also received her Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Development from the same institution.

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As a part of the Master’s programme, she conducted research on the topic "Exploring Inclusive Education: A Comparative Study of Teachers’ Perspectives and Students’ Performances in Schools." Furthermore, her collaborative efforts resulted in the co-editing and publication of a significant book titled "Annual Student Research Meet: Embracing the Transformation of Land, Water, and Food under a Changing Climate." This compilation showcases the finest research abstracts presented at the prestigious Annual Student Research Meet (ASRM), hosted at the College of Natural Resources. The synergy of her academic achievements and research experience undoubtedly positions Tshering Yangden to make a lasting and impactful contribution to the teaching and learning journey of her students.

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Email: [email protected]

Geeta Devi Adhikari

Geeta Devi Adhikari



Ms. Geeta Devi Adhikari holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the South Asian University (SAARC University), India, and a BA in Political Science and Sociology from Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan.

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Her academic pursuits encompass a diverse spectrum, from examining social concerns like body image and self-esteem to delving into the realm of small state diplomacy, with Bhutan serving as a prominent case study.

Her commitment to academics and learning will enrich the classroom experience of her students.

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Email: [email protected]

Ngawang Norbu

Ngawang Norbu



Ngawang Norbu completed his BA in Political Science and Sociology from Sherubtse College. With a strong academic foundation in this discipline, he has developed a comprehensive understanding of political dynamics and societal structures.

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After completing his undergraduate studies, owning to his academic excellence, Ngawang taught Politics and Government and Gender Studies at Sherubtse College for a semester.

His commitment and enthusiasm to learn and grow complimented by his teaching experience will enhance the learning of his students.

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Email: [email protected]

Phub Gyeltshen

Phub Gyeltshen



Mr. Phub Gyeltshen completed his Masters in Buddhist Philosophy from Tango Buddhist University, Bhutan.

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He taught Dzongkha in a High School for seven years with high degree of professional commitment and performed outstandingly well before joining NRC.

He began his professional life at NRC Resident Tutor for one and half year before joining as Associate Lecturer. He also taught Dzongkha while serving as a Resident Tutor. He also has long years of experience of BCSC coaching. At NRC, besides teaching, he also shouldered responsibilities such as Driglam Namzha Coordinator.

He is highly committed to enrich the learning and development of his students.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Sonam Choki 

Sonam Choki 



Ms. Sonam Choki holds a BA in Language and literature and recently completed her MA in Language and Literature from College of Language and Cultural Studies, Royal University of Bhutan.

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She joined NRC as a founding member in 2017 as Resident Tutor and Academic Assistant. She also has worked as ECCD Facilitator.

Her commitment to academics will enrich the classroom experience of her students.

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Email: [email protected]

Pema Wangmo

Pema Wangmo

Assistant Lecturer


Ms. Pema Wangmo completed her Bachelor’s degree in English and Media Studies from Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan. Prior to joining NRC, she interned at Kuensel Corporation.

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Her passion for education led her to teach Media Studies and English at Gyelpozhing Higher Secondary School for six months. Additionally, she taught English language and literature modules over a period of two and half years at CLCS.

Her industry and teaching experience will enrich the learning experience of her students.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Chundi Dorji

Chundi Dorji

Assistant Professor


Mr. Chundi Dorji graduated in 1998 from Sherubtse College with BA English (Honours) and completed PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) from Samtse College of Education in 1999. He pursued Master (Major in English) from University of New England, Australia from 2005 -2006.

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He taught in several schools and Samtse College of Education. During his teaching career Mr. Chundi shouldered various responsibilities such as House Master, Class teacher, Games In-charge, Publication Editor, Head of English Department and Gayjor Tshokpa Adviser. He also participated as core group member in developing English Curriculum and teachers’ manual for classes IX to XII.

Mr. Chundi Dorji also worked in Punatsangchu Hydroelectric Project Authority-II (PHPA-II) as Sr. Labour Officer in and eventually promoted as Chief Administrator.

He has few publications (poems and stories) in his name and published under his guidance. With his rich professional experience, he would be able to contribute both academically and administratively.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Lhamchu Delma

Lhamchu Delma

Senior Lecturer


Ms. Lhamchu Delma has a Master’s degree in English from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Maharashtra, India and a BA. English degree from Maulana Azad College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Aurangabad, India.

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She also holds a professional TESOL certificate for 150 hours of instruction, including 10 hours of observation and 10 hours of teaching (both TESOL Part 1 and Part 2), from Arizona State University in the USA.

She has taught English for five years. Then, she coached English for TOEFL, IELTS and PTE test takers and invigilated the IELTS test from January 2021 until she joined the NRC faculty team. During her coaching period, she attended several online and face-to-face trainings, including an IELTS Teacher Training Workshop held at Royal Institute Management from 13 to 15 October 2023. Currently, she teaches English language and literature.

Her belief in the importance of English as a foundation towards opening doors to access different bodies of knowledge and one’s holistic development provides a basis for her teaching to make a positive impact on her students’ learning.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]

Kinga Wangmo Dakpa

Kinga Wangmo Dakpa



Ms. Kinga Wangmo Dakpa completed her Bachelor’s degree in English from Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan. Throughout her academic journey, she has developed a deep appreciation for the power of language and storytelling.

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During her time in college, she successfully completed courses on “Public Speaking for Professionals” and “Mindfulness Based Basic Counseling Skills” which she utilizes in her teaching.

With great knowledge and enthusiasm to her role as an educator, she strives to inspire a new generation of scholars.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: [email protected]