Dr. Tandin Dorji

Dr. Tandin Dorji


Director's Office

Dr. Tandin Dorji has been an educationist and a researcher for over 20 years. Before taking up this responsibility as the President, he was the Project Director and was instrumental in setting up Norbuling Rigter College. Dr. Tandin Dorji taught at Sherubtse College and Paro College of Education. He was also a visiting faculty for Samtse College of Education and the Royal Thimphu College.

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He is one of the founders of the Institute for Management Studies where he headed the Research and Consultancy Wing. He was a founding member of RigZom Academy (High School) and served as the first Chairperson of RigZom Academy Board. He is also one of the founders of Centre for Research on Bhutanese Society (CRBS), a Civil Society Organization (CSO) that strives to engage in promoting knowledge on Bhutanese society.

He was an External Examiner for several doctoral students (Ph.D) for the University of New England (Armidale, Australia) and Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). He also guided several Masters’ students with their thesis. Dr. Tandin Dorji was one of the first members of the Programme and Quality Committee of the Royal University of Bhutan and was involved in validating programmes of Sherubtse College, Samtse College of Education, Paro College of Education, College of Language and Cultural Studies and Royal Thimphu College.

As a researcher, he conducted over 25 research and consultancy assignments and developed reports for government, corporate and private agencies while working at the Institute for Management Studies. As the Head of the Social Studies Section of the erstwhile Curriculum and Professional Development Division, he was instrumental in writing and publishing over a dozen Social Studies Textbooks and Guidebooks for School Children. Dr. Tandin Dorji has several research papers in his name and presented them at St. Hugh’s College (Oxford University), Leiden University (Netherlands), Institute for Asian Studies (Vienna, Austria) and Centre for Tibetan Studies (Paris, France).

On the academic front, Dr. Tandin Dorji received his M.Phil and Ph.D in Social Anthropology from University of Nanterre, Paris, France with high distinction. He completed his Masters in the same discipline from University of Aix-en-Provence, France. He has a certificate in Writing and Publishing from University of La Trobe, Melbourne, Australia and a certificate in GECDP mainstreaming from Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. After completing his BA from Sherubtse College, he received his Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from the erstwhile National Institute of Education, Samtse, Bhutan.

Currently, he is serving as Chairperson of the History and Civics Committee of the Royal Education Council. He also served as a Board Member to the Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy (BCMD) and Office of Consumer Protection (Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bhutan).

With his rich experience and exposure to both Bhutanese and international standards of higher education, Dr. Tandin Dorji has the credibility to steer Norbuling Rigter College, its faculty and most importantly students to reach their aspired goals.

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Phone: 08-271313

Email: president@nrc.bt